
Sonntag, 19. August 2012

Jumping on your Birthday

Schönen Sonntag meine Lieben!
Happy Sunday my friends!

Heute hatte ich wieder einmal Lust auf ein paar Mäuse :-):  
Today I'd like to meet again some mice :-):
Stempel/Stamps: House Mouse - Mice & Crafty (JSHM042) & Stampendous - Geo Shape Set (SSC046)
Stanzen/Dies: Spellbinders - Standard Squards, Spellbinder Eyelet Squares (S4-305),
Nellie Snellen - Flower Punch & Martha Stewart - Lace Border Punch
Deko/Material: 3D-Foampads, Flowers, Organzaribbon, Gems, Spacer Charm
 Zum Vergrössern bitte anklicken / please click to enlarge:
Mit dieser Karte nehme ich an folgenden Challenges teil:
With this card I like to join the following challenges:
Vielen lieben Dank für Eure tollen Kommentare und für Euren erneuten Besuch. Ich wünsche noch einen tollen Sonntag.
Thank you very much for all your lovely comments and for your return visit. I wish you all a lovely Sunday.

Liebe Grüsse


16 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Claudia,

    deine Mäuse sind ja klasse!! Eine wunderschöne Karte ist das - und auch noch mit meiner Lieblingsfarbe *g*

    Noch nen schönen Sonntag wünsch ich dir!!

    LG Conny

  2. Absolutely gorjus ! Love those mice :). Have a great Sunday, hugs, Marion

  3. This is a terrific card for our House Mouse Challenge this week. I love the paper and your embellishments you've added. Wonderful job. Good luck to you.

  4. Ach, wie süß... und so ein fröhliches Kärtchen. Zum Glück hab ich die Mäusebande nicht im Haus:-), aber auf deiner Karte siehts zauberhaft aus, tolle Farben.
    Sei lieb gegrüßt, Corinna

  5. Was für ein putzigs und herzallerliebes Kärtchen und so eine tolle Gestaltung, die gefällt mir sehr gut liebe Claudia.

    Wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag, einen ganz lieben Gruß von Andrea

  6. Hi Claudia, such a gorgeous card, I love blue and fabulous gingham papers, your image is delightful and such fabulous details.

    Heather xx
    Thanks so much for joining us with the House Mouse and Friends challenge.

  7. Gorgeous house mouse card Claudia. Love the colours and all the details you've added.
    Lorraine x

  8. How fabulous Claudia this is beautiful and I love House Mouse Hugs Elaine

  9. Such a lovely card! love those happy mousies!

  10. This is so cute - love it on the blue gingham!! We're so glad you joined us this week at the Simon Says Stamp challenge!

  11. wow love the blues on this stunning creation so pretty and vibrant, thank you for joining us at the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge
    Hugs Kate xx

  12. Gorgeous card Claudia :-) such a cute image and the shades of blue are lovely, my fave colour :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp and House Mouse and Friends Challenges :-)
    Lols x x x

  13. Fabulous creation!

    Thank you for joining in the fun at House Mouse & Friends challenges for our * Double Trouble* challenge

    Hope you will join us again, good luck
    Hugs Shaz x

  14. Well, Claudia, you just have to smile at this beautiful card. They sure are having fun. Beautiful blues, and design and papers. Thanks for joining us at the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.


  15. Hi Claudia what a fab card I have love this image of HM its so cute and I love the colours you have used hugs Arlinex

  16. Super cute and os fun. I adore the colors and your coloring, just wonderful. Thanks for playing in House Mouse and Friends blog challenge


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